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Why are Permits Required?

Why are Permits Required?

State and municipal governments require permits be obtained for certain residential  construction projects. By ensuring that work is done safely and in accordance with code  requirements, permits and inspections help protect you, your family, and your  investment.

When is a permit required?

Permits are required for new residential construction, remodeling, additions and alterations. Separate permits are required for electrical, plumbing, and mechanical  work. Permits are also required for roofing, leveling, fencing, accessory buildings, swimming pools, driveway approaches, and demolitions. Permits are also required for  commercial projects. Please contact the City of Dawson for more information on  commercial permits.

When is a permit not required?

Permits are not required for cosmetic work including painting, carpeting, installing  cabinets, replacing siding, installing gutters, replacement doors or windows of the same  size, and replacing sheetrock or other wall coverings.

Who can apply for a permit and perform the work?

Registered contractors can pull permits for residential building projects. In addition, homeowners can pull a permit to complete the work themselves if their property is  homesteaded. Contact the Navarro Central Appraisal District office at 903-872-6161 for more information regarding the Homestead Exemption. 

Which codes have been adopted?

International Building Code 2018

International Mechanical Code 2018

International Residential Code 2018

Int’l Energy Conservation Code 2018

International Plumbing Code 2018

National Electrical Code 2020

Where can I apply for a permit?

Permit applications can be found at the City of Dawson Water Department or online on the City of Dawson’s website at www.cityofdawsontx.com. Completed applications are turned into the City of Dawson Water Department for processing.

How much does a permit cost?

Permit fees for new construction, additions, remodels, alterations and  accessory buildings are based on the valuation of the project. The Fee Schedule can be found on the City’s website, in Chapter 13 of the Municipal Code.


Please contact the City of Dawson at 254-578-1515.